Are There Contradictions in the Gospels?
Are the Gospels full of contradictions? What would have been seen as normal standards of trustworthy historical writing at that time?
Related resources for Jesus: the Rock on which Atheism Stumbles
Are the Gospels full of contradictions? What would have been seen as normal standards of trustworthy historical writing at that time?
This video examines the historical evidence that Jesus performed miracles.
This is a curious book. At one level it has an immediate appeal. Christians need to be challenging those of other religions and worldviews…
Melvin Tinker considers what God might want to say to Richard Dawkins in the light of his recent book The God Delusion. For more…
Denis Alexander rassesses Richard Dawkins' two part Channel 4 TV programme The Root of All Evil? as a piece of propaganda. Anyone who is…
Zoologist Dr. Richard Dawkins (1941-) is ‘materialistic, reductionist and overtly anti-religious.’[1] Charles Simonyi, head of…
When Richard Dawkins wrote that his discovery of evolution had enabled him to be an ‘intellectually fulfilled atheist’, many…
What could a Christian say in response? Well, wisdom often leads us to follow a certain course of action over many other options. For…
The belief that Jesus rose from the dead is central to Christianity. But how can anyone believe it really happened?