Is There Truth in the Story of Christmas?
Is Christmas just a nice story 'for the children' or an historical fact that affects us all?
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Is Christmas just a nice story 'for the children' or an historical fact that affects us all?
During the past twenty years, evangelical Christian apologetics has made significant progress in some areas. Today in the field of…
Are there any substantial grounds to deny that Jesus existed? This article responds to the main arguments.
Hasn't the New Testament been changed since it has been copied and recopied throughout history? A common misconception is that the…
How should we address apparent contradictions in the Bible? This article tackles some specific examples.
The belief that Jesus rose from the dead is central to Christianity. But how can anyone believe it really happened?
Review of Dirk Jongkind's talk arguing that the message of the Bible is preserved, despite variations between manuscripts
A review of Bart Ehrman's book claiming that many of the New Testament documents were falsely written under someone else's name.
Can we be confident that we have the original text of the Gospels? How does it compare to other ancient documents?