Did Jesus Exist?
Are there any substantial grounds to deny that Jesus existed? This article responds to the main arguments.
Related resources for Did Jesus really claim to be God?
Are there any substantial grounds to deny that Jesus existed? This article responds to the main arguments.
Who is Jesus? What did he claim? And how should we respond?
Is Jesus History? by Professor John Dickson explores how the life of Jesus and the claims of the Bible intersect with sources from the…
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet which asks why the events of the first Christmas show us what God is like.
Do the Gospels give us any indication that they are using eyewitness testimony? Richard Bauckham examines some of the minor characters in…
Dr John Dickson describes the key sources for our knowledge of the life of Jesus, assessing them from the perspective of an historian.
The Scriptures tell us exactly who Jesus claimed to be and they clearly present Christ as God. The names applied to Christ in the New…
The virgin birth of Jesus Christ perplexes many people. Why is it such an important belief?
In this talk, Gary Habermas analyses the claims by James Cameron, in his Discovery Channel documentary 'The Lost Tomb of Jesus', that a…