Bill Maher, a well-known American comedian, satirist and religious sceptic has added this comedy-documentary to the growing number of…
Related resources for Was Jesus a Real Person?
Bill Maher, a well-known American comedian, satirist and religious sceptic has added this comedy-documentary to the growing number of…
During the past twenty years, evangelical Christian apologetics has made significant progress in some areas. Today in the field of…
Are there any substantial grounds to deny that Jesus existed? This article responds to the main arguments.
The usual attempts to defend the historical reliability of the New Testament are often fairly general in nature. These arguments are…
The New Testament makes the assertion that the truth of Christianity stands or falls on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul…
Hasn't the New Testament been changed since it has been copied and recopied throughout history? A common misconception is that the…
On the first week of April, 2006, the National Geographic Society announced the discovery of a lost gospel titled, 'The Gospel of Judas'.…
In this workshop, we will discuss the specific problems with the novel The Da Vinci Code from the standpoint of its handling of Christian…
Although Jesus claimed to be the divine Son of God, His favorite self-designation by far was ‘Son of Man’. How do we know that…