Why Are There Differences in the Gospels?
A review of Michael Licona's attempt to explain differences in the Gospel narratives by looking at the work of Plutarch.
Related resources for "The Gospel of Jesus' Wife": a forgery
A review of Michael Licona's attempt to explain differences in the Gospel narratives by looking at the work of Plutarch.
Sean McDowell interviews Mike Licona on how his research into ancient biographies sheds light onto Gospel contradictions.
Some reflections on why the canonical Gospels are in the Bible whereas the apocryphal Gospels are not.
Considering the question of whether belief in God lacks the evidence to support it - and why arguments on their own are not enough.
This talk explains why the claim that Jesus was no more than a moral teacher doesn't account for the evidence about him.
Were the Gospel accounts corrupted as they were passed on? Was there any way to prevent this happening?
This video considers whether we can dismiss the accounts of Jesus's life simply because they describe miracles.
A response to the controversial claim that Jesus had a wife.
There are many different views of Jesus. What's the truth?