Did Jesus really claim to be God?
A previous article addressed the question, ‘Does the Bible really attest to the deity of Jesus?’ by looking at several…
Related resources for The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ
A previous article addressed the question, ‘Does the Bible really attest to the deity of Jesus?’ by looking at several…
The Scriptures tell us exactly who Jesus claimed to be and they clearly present Christ as God. The names applied to Christ in the New…
The virgin birth of Jesus Christ perplexes many people. Why is it such an important belief?
Who is Jesus? Who did he claim to be? What questions might we need to ask? What kind of evidence is there?
Is Jesus History? by Professor John Dickson explores how the life of Jesus and the claims of the Bible intersect with sources from the…
A discussion of Christian beliefs about the divinity of Jesus and why the New Testament did not include other 'gospels'.
Adrian Holloway tackles the question of whether we can trust what we read in the New Testament or should dismiss it as unsubstantiated myth.
Are the Gospels full of contradictions? What would have been seen as normal standards of trustworthy historical writing at that time?
Did the early Christian communities apply Jesus's teaching to the problems they faced or alter the facts to fit their agendas?