How Do the Gospels Compare with Other Ancient Documents?
Can we be confident that we have the original text of the Gospels? How does it compare to other ancient documents?
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Can we be confident that we have the original text of the Gospels? How does it compare to other ancient documents?
The Gospel writers portrayed Jesus as claiming to be the 'Son of God', but can history verify this and, if so, what did Jesus mean by it?
There are two elements in our title. Postmodernism and the uniqueness of Christ. What do we mean by them? What exactly is postmodernism?…
Is Jesus History? by Professor John Dickson explores how the life of Jesus and the claims of the Bible intersect with sources from the…
Adrian Holloway tackles the question of whether we can trust what we read in the New Testament or should dismiss it as unsubstantiated myth.
Did the early Christian communities apply Jesus's teaching to the problems they faced or alter the facts to fit their agendas?
In this video, Richard Bauckham considers whether we can know who were the main witnesses behind the Gospel accounts of Jesus's life.
Do the Gospels give us any indication that they are using eyewitness testimony? Richard Bauckham examines some of the minor characters in…
Were the Gospel accounts based on the testimony of eyewitnesses who were still alive when the Gospels were written?