God and The Transgender Debate - a review
Andrew Walker looks at what the Bible says about the questions and issues surrounding gender identity.
Related resources for Transgender – a review
Andrew Walker looks at what the Bible says about the questions and issues surrounding gender identity.
This book urgently seeks a recovery of Christian persuasion, 'a way of apologetics that is as profound as the good news we announce'.
Never been to church? Been away from church for a while? This helpful book explores why it's worth going to church.
Reality TV now seems to be everywhere. What does it tell us about what is real and what is true? And what does it say about God?
Does the philosophy of individualism lead to happiness? How does the desire for freedom link in with the human need for relationship?
General advice on how to approach your discipline of study from a Christian perspective to produce authentically Christian scholarship.
What does Christian scholarship look like when considered from the perspectives of Creation, Fall and Redemption?
Advice for Christians in academic life and the workplace.
Peter Sanlon gives a brief introduction to his book on 'Queer Studies'.