In the psychiatrist’s care
Consultant psychiatrist Rob Waller talks about his work, as a Christian, in the area of mental health and discusses some related issues.
Related resources for Do Christians Hate Homosexuals?
Consultant psychiatrist Rob Waller talks about his work, as a Christian, in the area of mental health and discusses some related issues.
What does Christian scholarship look like when considered from the perspectives of Creation, Fall and Redemption?
As the situation in Gaza becomes worse by the day, the apologetic challenge this weekend is most likely to centre on the role of religion…
This paper takes a careful look at critical race theory, and argues that only the Bible offers real hope for the future of race relations.
Investment bank chairman and ex-Marxist, explains how his faith makes a difference to his work.
Advice for Christians in academic life and the workplace.
Advice on the role of, and issues facing, a Christian academic in the world.
Resources relating to the UK 2015 General Election.
The challenges, temptations and opportunities of academic life as a Christian.