Are We Just Naked Apes?
What, if anything, separates human beings from every other species on earth? Are we just naked apes? Or something more?
We need to Relate any set of beliefs to the complex world we inhabit, to see if they help us live in it and make sense of it. Can Christians live out their beliefs with integrity?
What, if anything, separates human beings from every other species on earth? Are we just naked apes? Or something more?
Reality TV now seems to be everywhere. What does it tell us about what is real and what is true? And what does it say about God?
Why does the desire to be young again continually re-appear in contemporary culture? What is a Christian response?
What does Christian scholarship look like when considered from the perspectives of Creation, Fall and Redemption?
How Christian apologetics has used science in its response to the claims of the New Atheists. Boyle Lecture 2014.
The earthquake in Pakistan, the tsunami in Southeast Asia, the devastating hurricane in the gulf coast of United States, babies dying of…
Many people today describe that they are 'living inside their own head'. This describes a state of disconnection from reality outside of…
The following is an extract from Philip Vander Elst's full paper of the same title. The whole paper can be downloaded from the link on the…
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at Louisiana State University in March 2006, Jay Budziszewski considers "natural law" – the…