Deconstructing a Worldview
How to identify and analyse someone's worldview - affirming what is true and discovering what is in error.
We need to Relate any set of beliefs to the complex world we inhabit, to see if they help us live in it and make sense of it. Can Christians live out their beliefs with integrity?
How to identify and analyse someone's worldview - affirming what is true and discovering what is in error.
What cultural shifts have led to the current gender debate?
Sometimes subject specific resources can be really helpful. There are a number of resources that will be helpful to you if you are studying…
An examination of Biblical views on disability and disabled people.
Paul Coulter introduces different approaches to apologetics and examines how they can help in our own conversations.
A review of Mamma Mia! - the movie.
Dr Peter Clarke considers whether the experiments of Benjamin Libet call into question the reality of human will. Although quite a…
A careful examination and critique of the ethical approach proposed by philosopher Peter Singer.
The title and witch-themed publicity made me a little unsure about whether a Christian should be joining the crowds flocking to this…