Why Bother Arguing?
This talk covers some of the basic concepts of truth, logic and persuasion which are helpful when we are 'defending and communicating the…
We need to Relate any set of beliefs to the complex world we inhabit, to see if they help us live in it and make sense of it. Can Christians live out their beliefs with integrity?
This talk covers some of the basic concepts of truth, logic and persuasion which are helpful when we are 'defending and communicating the…
The Lone Ranger (2013) has been such a flop at the US box-office that critics are heralding the death of the Western. Are these critics…
A review of the film The Great Gatsby.
M (Judi Dench) is nothing if not pragmatic. Before the opening credits of Skyfall have even rolled, she has allowed not one, but two of her…
"Make them remember you." The Doctor’s advice to Amy and Rory as they faced the Parliament of the Daleks (episode 1: 'Asylum of the…
You've just arrived at art college. It's a pretty exciting time; for the first time in your life you are able to release the shackles of…
According to the Romans, ‘bread and circuses’ were the key to keeping a population content. As long as their immediate physical…
An old lady in a headscarf is buying a pint of milk in a local shop. She’s surprised by the price of the milk, and disturbed by the…
The colour red suffuses We Need to Talk About Kevin. Red paint is smeared across walls and car window screens, red jam oozes out of…