Bill Maher, a well-known American comedian, satirist and religious sceptic has added this comedy-documentary to the growing number of…
We need to Relate any set of beliefs to the complex world we inhabit, to see if they help us live in it and make sense of it. Can Christians live out their beliefs with integrity?
Bill Maher, a well-known American comedian, satirist and religious sceptic has added this comedy-documentary to the growing number of…
A review of the film Last Chance Harvey.
A review of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek film.
A review of the book and film of Watchmen.
A review of Russell Brand's My Booky Wook.
A review of the film I Am Legend.
A review of the TV series Spooks.
A review of the film of Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass.
A review of the book God Explained in a Taxi Ride.