Black Swan
Swan Lake is a beautiful, tragic story. The delicate art of ballet sensitively describes both the joy and turmoil of its main characters.…
We need to Relate any set of beliefs to the complex world we inhabit, to see if they help us live in it and make sense of it. Can Christians live out their beliefs with integrity?
Swan Lake is a beautiful, tragic story. The delicate art of ballet sensitively describes both the joy and turmoil of its main characters.…
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at Louisiana State University in March 2006, Jay Budziszewski considers "natural law" – the…
This resource provides extracts from Dr Paul Coulter's extensive study of The Shack.
It doesn’t take usually take too much persuasion to get me to try a new box set of DVDs, but I have to say that I was a little…
The ongoing scientific quest to explore space – 'the final frontier' – is intimately bound up with the search for 'strange new…
It is difficult to exaggerate the importance and impact of C.S. Lewis. Although he died in 1963, most of his books are still in print and…
This paper takes a careful look at critical race theory, and argues that only the Bible offers real hope for the future of race relations.
An in-depth look at Jordan Peterson's 'antidote to chaos'.
When questions come your way, what will you say? Here are three tips to help you prepare.