What Scientists Believe
A preliminary summary of some recent research on the religious beliefs of scientists.
We need to Relate any set of beliefs to the complex world we inhabit, to see if they help us live in it and make sense of it. Can Christians live out their beliefs with integrity?
A preliminary summary of some recent research on the religious beliefs of scientists.
How can theology students make the most of their unique opportunities to share the gospel with their course mates?
Tim Keller's new book explores the question of how anyone in our age of scepticism could believe in Christianity.
A medical and biblical exploration of gender issues.
What does J.B. Priestley's play An Inspector Calls have to say to us about sin, responsibility and being human?
An examination, in the light of 1st century sophistry, of why there seems to be a difference in Paul's apologetics approach between Athens…
7 suggestions for what makes good apologetics
A film review and discussion guide to 'Paddington'.
The challenges, temptations and opportunities of academic life as a Christian.