Navigating the Transgender Agenda
How can Christians respond to questions about 'transgender' issues?
How can Christians respond to questions about 'transgender' issues?
Readers of EN may remember a previous article where I reviewed several books by Bart Ehrman. I observed that Ehrman had previously been a…
Thomas Aquinas had an enormous influence on Christian thought. In this short book, K Scott Oliphint analyses and critiques Aquinas' thought.
This unique introductory book is a wonderful gateway into a world of insight, inquiry and love.
Those who have read many of Norman Geisler’s earlier works will likely recognize that this book is major update of an earlier book,…
Peter S. Williams offers his thoughts on philosopher A.C. Grayling's The Good Book: A Secular Bible. Note that Grayling lays his book out…
Finkelstein and Mazar represent two of the most influential Israeli archaeologists of the present generation. Finkelstein is a professor at…
The Zondervan Counterpoints series continues to produce extremely valuable volumes of the two-, three-, four-, and five-views variety on…