What Should I Say? Learning to answer our friends' questions
Sometimes we’re nervous about witnessing for Christ because we’re afraid we’ll be asked questions we can’t answer.…
Sometimes we’re nervous about witnessing for Christ because we’re afraid we’ll be asked questions we can’t answer.…
Two talks on the 'Psychological Barriers to Belief' look at basic life patterns and past painful experiences.
In this talk, Andrew Fellows connects the use of films to the stage of subversion in the apologetics process. This can then be followed by…
Sometimes Christian pastors, parents and teachers are afraid of the questions young people and others might ask. Questions of another…
Environmental and 'Green' issues are a prime concern for many people today. David Cook considers whether Christianity is to blame and asks…
David Cook addresses the challenges that changes in cuture and thinking present to us as we do apologetics. Section I 1. THE NEED FOR…
Bridges exist in every era, but they can look different from those in the past. Changes in culture may make some ways of doing things less…
The fact that almost all aspects of human activity today are dominated by naturalistic assumptions means that for many the Christian…
Some reflections on helping people handle questions about our faith.