A helpful talk for understanding transgender issues and thinking about how to respond to a transgender person.
A helpful talk for understanding transgender issues and thinking about how to respond to a transgender person.
Principles from Proverbs to guide our apologetics conversations.
7 suggestions for what makes good apologetics
Steve Wilcox begins his apologetics series by examining the principles of faith. ‘Faith’ is considered a dirty word in our…
It often seems difficult to make time for a refresher course – and sometimes the issue is knowing just how and where to start. So…
Jerram Barrs considers the place of the mind and the heart in the Christian faith, and argues that Christians have often failed to love God…
Sometimes Christian pastors, parents and teachers are afraid of the questions young people and others might ask. Questions of another…
How to identify and analyse someone's worldview - affirming what is true and discovering what is in error.
Dr Greg Pritchard explains why he sees apologetics as the Science and Art of Christian Persuasion.