How Do the Gospels Compare with Other Ancient Documents?
Can we be confident that we have the original text of the Gospels? How does it compare to other ancient documents?
Can we be confident that we have the original text of the Gospels? How does it compare to other ancient documents?
Read this book if you want to be prepared to speak to anyone interested in why they can trust the accounts they read in the Gospels. And…
Acharya S is a skeptic with an interest in mythology who has written a book entitled The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold.…
How can anyone believe the New Testament account of the life of Jesus, seeing that it was written so long after His death? There seems to…
How should we address apparent contradictions in the Bible? This article tackles some specific examples.
In this academically robust but accessible book, Peter J Williams addresses the trustworthiness of the Gospels.
This video describes how the geographical descriptions in the New Testament Gospels demonstrate their reliability.
Sean McDowell interviews Mike Licona on how his research into ancient biographies sheds light onto Gospel contradictions.
Adrian Holloway tackles the question of whether we can trust what we read in the New Testament or should dismiss it as unsubstantiated myth.