'Feeling The Force' - Star Wars and Spiritual Truth
Delve deeper into some of the religious and spiritual aspects behind the Star Wars series.
Delve deeper into some of the religious and spiritual aspects behind the Star Wars series.
A Long Way East of Eden: Could God explain the mess we're in? examines the significance of the ‘God-question' and the impact of…
In the tradition of C.S. Lewis's Screwtape, Ian Rose suggests that the ‘Big Lie’ Satan is currently sowing in our society would…
One of the most commonly misunderstood ideas in the Bible concerns the teaching about the Trinity. Although Christians say that they…
Atheists and Muslims often criticise the Christian concept of the Trinity as contradictory, meaningless or false. In this article, Peter S.…
Most people in the world believe that when the world began, it was perfect. For the most part, humanity stands in agreement that something…
This resource provides extracts from Dr Paul Coulter's extensive study of The Shack.
Moral objections to Christianity are some of the deepest and hardest to answer. This talk offers guidance for navigating this tricky area.
For centuries, Buddhism has been the dominant religion of the Eastern world. With the rise of the Asian population in the United States,…
This lecture was given by Professor William Lane Craig at Manchester University as a part of UCCF's Reasonable Faith Tour. The lecture is…
One of the most common points on which Muslims attack Christians is on the whole question of the nature of God: in short, is God…
The Bible has become a happy hunting ground for many who want to undermine faith in the God of the Bible. After all, there are a lot of…
One of the apologetic questions that contemporary Christian theology must treat in its doctrine of man is what has been called “the…
What has led to the rise of modern paganism? This talk helpfully assesses the challenge paganism poses to Christianity, and vice versa.
William Lane Craig considers one of the central concerns in the Philosophy of Religion - the coherence of theism.
William Lane Craig examines the Big Bang theory and the question of why anything exists.
Christopher Ash opens up what the Bible says about the tricky question of suffering.
Richard Dawkins, Rabbi Josh Levy and Chris Sinkinson join Justin Brierley to discuss the morality of the Old Testament.
An oft-repeated objection to the Trinity is that the Scriptures provide no theological basis upon which one can build a case for the…
There's a persistent belief that the God of the Qur'an and the God of the Bible are essentially the same. But does this stand up to…
How we reply to this complex question will very much depend on who is asking, and we need to be ready to admit that we don’t have all…
There have been times when Christians found it easy to believe in the justice of God, but found it difficult to believe in the love of God.…
John Drane investigates what the New Age is, where its beliefs come from and how Christians can respond to its followers thoughtfully and…
This is a book that encourages as it informs, helping its readers as we seek to understand something of God and His ways. Its four parts…