A Universe From Someone – Against Lawrence Krauss
A Universe From Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing (Free Press, 2012), by cosmologist Lawrence M. Krauss, has been lauded…
A Universe From Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing (Free Press, 2012), by cosmologist Lawrence M. Krauss, has been lauded…
Neo-atheist Sam Harris alleges that the faith of Christian geneticist Francis Collins is unscientific: James Watson, the co-discoverer…
This is Part 1 of Peter S. Williams' article 'Intelligent Designs on Science', which is the final paper in a series of interactions between…
This extended review provides some excellent responses to arguments that Sagan used and which keep cropping up today.
Three scientists present their own distinctive perspective on the proper understanding of Genesis chapters 1-3. Each speaker describes…
Scientism says that science is the source of all our knowledge. Does this make sense or are there other sources for what we can know?
How Christian apologetics has used science in its response to the claims of the New Atheists. Boyle Lecture 2014.
People regularly question whether the multiverse belongs in the arena of scientific investigation. The answers often center on a key query:…
John Lennox delivers his critique of Stephen Hawking's arguments in The Grand Design and explains why, despite its media hype, neither God…