Assumptions Behind Derrida's Theory of Deconstruction
Derrida lays many of his presuppositions out in a hard but very important essay called 'Structure, Sign and Play' in the Discourse of the…
Related resources for Absolutism: Don't we all have to find truth for ourselves?
Derrida lays many of his presuppositions out in a hard but very important essay called 'Structure, Sign and Play' in the Discourse of the…
We now live in a 'global village', a multi-faith society where exclusive claims may offend. Many adherents of other faiths are prepared to…
How has the way art depicts humanity changed over time? How should the truths of the Christian view of humanity shape creative practice?
This small book gives us a well-researched critique of the Common Word letter sent by 138 Muslim leaders to the Christian church. It then…
What about other religions? When the world is moving in such a globalizing way, believing in one truth seems naive at best, and intolerant…
This three part seminar gives an historical overview of the various schools of thought on the subject epistemology - how we can know…
A review of Ian McEwan's Saturday.
Preference or truth? Is there a difference?
One of the most perceptive analysts of the consequences of pluralism for the Christian churches is Lesslie Newbigin, who is able to draw on…