"Thou shalt not be certain"
Should we be certain about anything to do with God? Is radical uncertainty about God just being respectful of his greatness?
Related resources for Does Astronomy Reveal Joshua’s Long Day?
Should we be certain about anything to do with God? Is radical uncertainty about God just being respectful of his greatness?
Is belief in Christianity and God like believing in the tooth fairy? Or are there rational grounds that justify the beliefs of Christians?
Professor Gary R. Habermas wrote this book for 'Christians who doubt' as well as those who are just a little unsure about their faith.
This fascinating lecture points out the details which show that the New Testament Gospels must have been based on eyewitness accounts.
These talks look at what apologetics is and how we can be more effective in defending and communicating the Christian message.
How can we know if the New Testament is historically reliable?
Some people say there is no 'truth', each person decides what is true for them. How might a thoughtful person answer this view?
A 40 minute talk presenting evidence for the truth of Christianity. Followed by 30 minutes Q&A.
Do any other ancient documents help to confirm the trustworthiness of the New Testament?