'Society Says' Relativism
Some would say 'Legal abortion is now the law of the land – get over it.' But is there a higher law? The Founding Fathers…
Related resources for "If you were born in India you would be a Hindu."
Some would say 'Legal abortion is now the law of the land – get over it.' But is there a higher law? The Founding Fathers…
In RE lessons it often seems all religions are equally valid. Here are some suggestions for speaking to your teacher about this.
Is there any reason to believe that Jesus is the only way to God, when there are so many other religions?
A reflection on the life of Francis Schaeffer, particularly getting into his ideas on Truth and their relevance for today.
This talk covers some of the basic concepts of truth, logic and persuasion which are helpful when we are 'defending and communicating the…
How can we know whether there is more than one way to salvation?
With so many different religions and ways of viewing the world, how can Christians claim their way is the right one?
Gavin McGrath examines whether we can talk meaningfully about truth. Is the truth 'out there' or perhaps 'in here'?
Two sample chapters from Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air by Greg Koukl and Francis J. Beckwith.