Exploring The Shack
This resource provides extracts from Dr Paul Coulter's extensive study of The Shack.
This resource provides extracts from Dr Paul Coulter's extensive study of The Shack.
This is Part 1 of Peter S. Williams' article 'Intelligent Designs on Science', which is the final paper in a series of interactions between…
Chronicles of Heaven Unshackled examines the presence (and absence) of God in the English novel, with particular reference to Tolkien and…
Scientific naturalism claims that only science provides reliable answers. This article examines the claim.
Mike Licona responds to the latest attempt by the hyperskeptical community to advance the thesis that Jesus never existed.
To my mind, one of the main interests of Philip Pullman’s controversial trilogy is not specifically related to the books. It lies in…
The act of reading is an act of decoding. Until our everyday habits are disrupted, we don’t realize how complex a process it is. How…
Are there any substantial grounds to deny that Jesus existed? This article responds to the main arguments.
In 1983, when Alvin Plantinga delivered his inaugural lecture as the John O’Brien Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre…