What You Need to Know about the Evolution Debate
Writing anything on creation and evolution feels akin to sticking a sign on my back reading, ‘Kick me!’ I’m exposing…
Writing anything on creation and evolution feels akin to sticking a sign on my back reading, ‘Kick me!’ I’m exposing…
How we reply to this complex question will very much depend on who is asking, and we need to be ready to admit that we don’t have all…
Less than two metres tall and only lasting about 70 years — can we matter in a universe that is so big and so old, so dark and so cold?
Jodi Picoult is not an author to shy away from controversial topics. Her novels cover issues such as rape, suicide pacts and genetically…
Christians are often accused of being narrow-minded because we assert there is no other way to get to God than through Jesus Christ. People…
A man once gave this illustration. He said, “Suppose you take ten men and blindfold them and lead them over to an elephant. You now…
A question we often hear is, "Does it really matter what I believe as long as I believe in something?" Or, "As long as your belief helps…
The New Testament makes the assertion that the truth of Christianity stands or falls on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul…
When people talk about the Bible as the inspired Word of God, does it include every book, every word and every detail?