Mission, Postmodernity and Apologetics
The late British missiologist Lesslie Newbigin made a profound impact on many evangelicals. His prophetical call to mission in the West was…
The late British missiologist Lesslie Newbigin made a profound impact on many evangelicals. His prophetical call to mission in the West was…
The resurrection of Jesus is the basis for Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15) and Christian hope (1 Peter 1–3). Therefore the…
Dr John Dickson describes the key sources for our knowledge of the life of Jesus, assessing them from the perspective of an historian.
Who did Jesus really think he was? Did he actually claim to be God? And does it matter if he did?
Jerram Barrs asks how Christians can connect with non-Christians. He urges all Christians to take people and their questions seriously.
Ranald Macaulay considers the nature of truth and the revelation to be found in the Bible.
Four individuals consider the issues raised by the ongoing debate concerning Intelligent Design (ID) and advocate their own perspectives on…
A series of sermons by Rev Melvin Tinker considering what we can learn about suffering from the book of Job.
In 1983, when Alvin Plantinga delivered his inaugural lecture as the John O’Brien Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre…