Francis Schaeffer's "True Truth"
A reflection on the life of Francis Schaeffer, particularly getting into his ideas on Truth and their relevance for today.
A reflection on the life of Francis Schaeffer, particularly getting into his ideas on Truth and their relevance for today.
Considering the question of whether belief in God lacks the evidence to support it - and why arguments on their own are not enough.
Are God and science necessarily in competition? Does science fit better with Christian belief or with atheism?
Why are Christians so hypocritical, nasty & judgmental? A response to one of the most common objections to Christianity.
This talk considers the difficult issue of Hell - what it is and how a loving God can send anyone there.
Bill Craig and A.C. Grayling debate the problem of suffering in the light of tsunamis, on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio programme.
A.C. Grayling discusses the arguments in his book The God Argument with Peter S. Williams on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio…
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at the Texas A&M University in February 2005, Professor Eleonore Stump considers how a 'second…
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at the University of California, Santa Barbara in February 1998, Dr James Sire considers the role of…