Sapiens – a critical review
Yuval Noah Harari’s 'Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind' is a fascinating book, yet there are also deep flaws.
Yuval Noah Harari’s 'Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind' is a fascinating book, yet there are also deep flaws.
In this book, Philip Ryken sets out the need for students to take a distinctively Christian approach to their studies – and all of life.
Andy Crouch’s award-winning book examines what a Christian posture towards human culture should look like.
This helpful summary of philosopher Charles Taylor's work examines what it means to live in a secular age.
This unique introductory book is a wonderful gateway into a world of insight, inquiry and love.
Why are so many of the films and TV shows we enjoy obsessed with the end of the world?
A review of Bart Ehrman's book claiming that many of the New Testament documents were falsely written under someone else's name.
After several ‘best-selling’ books by well-known atheists attacking religion, John Humphrys has responded with this highly…
Philosopher and former atheist Antony Flew shares his thoughts on Richard Dawkins' 'The God Delusion'.