Sceptical About Who Jesus Was?
The central conviction of a Christian is that Jesus was not only human but shared the nature of God.
The central conviction of a Christian is that Jesus was not only human but shared the nature of God.
Nobody who has seriously examined the evidence can doubt that the four Gospels were written in the first century AD.
If someone were to claim that Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great never lived, you would think them crazy. Such an idea never crosses…
We live in a sceptical age. We are sceptical about politics, so millions do not vote. Sceptical about the police, apparently ridden with…
Some New Atheists argue that belief in God is as sensible as belief in a Flying Spaghetti Monster. Greg explains why this is not the case.
Melvyn Bragg, who says he is not religious himself, provides an interesting rebuttal of some of the arguments made against Christianity,…
After Bill Craig's lecture at Imperial College on The Reasonable Faith Tour, he was interviewed by the student television station, stoictv.…
Straight after the Reasonable Faith Tour, Bill Craig attended The Southern Evangelical Seminary's 2011 National Conference on Christian…
Bill Craig discusses the oscillating universe model with a group of students.