Was the Resurrection Invented Centuries After Jesus Lived?
Are claims that Jesus rose from the dead simply legends that were made up hundreds of years after he died?
Are claims that Jesus rose from the dead simply legends that were made up hundreds of years after he died?
It's often claimed that Jesus' followers borrowed existing pagan beliefs about resurrection. Is that true?
How can we know that Jesus really did die on the cross?
The first disciples claimed that Jesus had risen from the dead. But is it possible that such stories are a deliberate deception?
Is it possible that the accounts of the resurrection are simply the result of hallucinations brought on by grief?
Was Jesus' tomb really empty, or was this just a story made up years later?
What should we make of claims that differences in the Gospel accounts mean they can't be trusted?
In this video, five experts who are convinced that Jesus rose from the dead share how it has changed their lives.
A helpful talk exploring practical ways to share Christ in university contexts.