Is 'Science vs God' Fake News?
Science and religion have been locked in battle for centuries, maybe even millennia. Right? Or is there another story?
Related resources for What in the World Is a Worldview?
Science and religion have been locked in battle for centuries, maybe even millennia. Right? Or is there another story?
James N Anderson provides a real, concrete analysis of the reasons Christianity makes most sense of the world.
When your friends bombard you with questions, how can you cope? Here's one suggestion to take the pressure off.
This extensive study explores the debates around sexuality and identity, and argues that the Bible provides a more fulfilling model.
William Lane Craig responds to Stephen Hawking's claim that cosmology is "a religion for intelligent atheists".
Postmodern liberalism may sound liberating and enticing to its adherents, but it may be no more than a 21st century fairy tale for the…
What does it mean to write from a Christian worldview?
Alex Bunn questions the assumption that ‘faith equals bias’. Although his article is based around his own specialty of…
This paper takes a careful look at critical race theory, and argues that only the Bible offers real hope for the future of race relations.