Good Old Days
What can we learn from the current obsession for nostalgia?
Related resources for Art, the Gospel and What It Means to Be Human
What can we learn from the current obsession for nostalgia?
A film review and discussion guide to 'Paddington'.
Advice on the role of, and issues facing, a Christian academic in the world.
Advice for those of us who want to engage with the culture in which we live, presenting the Gospel with integrity and relevance.
What does human society tell us about human nature? Are we essentially good or bad?
An examination of a life falling apart in the film 'Locke'.
This talk covers some of the basic concepts of truth, logic and persuasion which are helpful when we are 'defending and communicating the…
"You would think that wouldn't you?" By way of Freud's Father complex and Dawkins' memes, Melvin Tinker examines how C.S. Lewis might…
A review of the film The Great Gatsby.