Studying ... Theology?
How can theology students make the most of their unique opportunities to share the gospel with their course mates?
Related resources for Psychology as Religion
How can theology students make the most of their unique opportunities to share the gospel with their course mates?
A short suggestion on how to respond to un-evidenced assertions – at college, university or anywhere else...
General advice on how to approach your discipline of study from a Christian perspective to produce authentically Christian scholarship.
A consideration of the relationship of science and certain Biblical issues, including the nature of miracles and the Exodus.
Advice on the role of, and issues facing, a Christian academic in the world.
The challenges, temptations and opportunities of academic life as a Christian.
Alister McGrath provides advice for Christians considering the possibility of working in academia.
Two talks from the Theology Network's 'Biggest Mistakes' Conference provide helpful advice for anyone studying theology or philosophy.…
The beginning of university life is filled with uncertainties, and also great opportunities. You will no doubt already have received more…