Studying ... The Social Sciences?
How do subjects like sociology, human geography and anthropology reveal the wonder and brokenness of human culture?
Related resources for Rediscovering the Great Tradition of Christian Thinking
How do subjects like sociology, human geography and anthropology reveal the wonder and brokenness of human culture?
How can Christians respond to questions about 'transgender' issues?
What does Christian scholarship look like when considered from the perspectives of Creation, Fall and Redemption?
Advice for Christians in academic life and the workplace.
How should Christian academics conduct their lives and research within the life of the university?
Alister McGrath provides advice for Christians considering the possibility of working in academia.
A.C. Grayling discusses the arguments in his book The God Argument with Peter S. Williams on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio…
John Lennox delivers his critique of Stephen Hawking's arguments in The Grand Design and explains why, despite its media hype, neither God…
A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London, begins his self-described ‘polemic’ against…