Conflict Myths: Bishop Ussher and the Date of Creation
There is probably no name more indelibly linked with rigid church fundamentalism than that of Bishop James Ussher (1581-1656), who today is…
Related resources for Studying ... Chemistry?
There is probably no name more indelibly linked with rigid church fundamentalism than that of Bishop James Ussher (1581-1656), who today is…
Test of FAITH is a series of resources investigating the relationship between science and faith, examining questions such as whether…
A look at some of the challenges and opportunities for Christians studying Physics.
How has the way art depicts humanity changed over time? How should the truths of the Christian view of humanity shape creative practice?
Scientism says that science is the source of all our knowledge. Does this make sense or are there other sources for what we can know?
A popular story gives a salutary warning of the need to check our sources carefully and be careful in the arguments we use.
In January 2005, two remarkable events occurred. The first was that Oxford atheist and Darwinian scientist, Richard Dawkins, was publicly…
William Lane Craig responds in a public lecture to the claims in Stephen Hawking's recent book The Grand Design.
A friend of mine was enjoying a coffee break at an Open University seminar for his philosophy course. Out of the blue, a colleague asked…