Writing from a Christian Worldview
What does it mean to write from a Christian worldview?
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What does it mean to write from a Christian worldview?
A historical argument for linking the growth of freedom with the development of Christianity.
What does it mean that we are 'made in the image of God'?
Universities are changing fast. We only have to watch the news to realise that the education system is undergoing massive upheaval at every…
Why are so many of the films and TV shows we enjoy obsessed with the end of the world?
The first time I'd really thought that God might have something to do with being an engineer was sitting in a lecture on the 'Professional…
In this paper, Stuart Judge considers whether discoveries in neuroscience that correlate our mental activity with our brain activity…
This month England has been taken by storm. Not rain – but riots. Unlike the weather, it came without warning and has left the nation…
Are we nothing more than the result of neurons firing? Brain scientist Sharon Dirckx's concise book explores the issue from a Christian…