Chronicles of Heaven Unshackled
Chronicles of Heaven Unshackled examines the presence (and absence) of God in the English novel, with particular reference to Tolkien and…
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Chronicles of Heaven Unshackled examines the presence (and absence) of God in the English novel, with particular reference to Tolkien and…
The common assumption that science contradicts religion can be illustrated either from your own personal experience, if this is relevant,…
Thomas Aquinas had an enormous influence on Christian thought. In this short book, K Scott Oliphint analyses and critiques Aquinas' thought.
Does a Universe that ‘runs itself’ need God? Oddly, the answer to this question is ‘No’. And ‘Yes’.
How can theology students make the most of their unique opportunities to share the gospel with their course mates?
How do subjects like sociology, human geography and anthropology reveal the wonder and brokenness of human culture?
An interview with theologian and scientist Alister McGrath.
Advice for Christians in academic life and the workplace.
This extract from 'Atheism's New Clothes' responds to the accusation that theology is empty, like the Emperor's New Clothes.