Rediscovering the Great Tradition of Christian Thinking
In this book, the authors encourage students to join them in the effort to reclaim and advance the Christian intellectual tradition.
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In this book, the authors encourage students to join them in the effort to reclaim and advance the Christian intellectual tradition.
Anthony Thiselton introduces key thinkers and ideas within philosophy of religion through the centuries.
Alister McGrath breaks down the myth that science and religion are incompatible, encouraging us to explore the two collaboratively.
Ruth Bancewicz sets out to help scientists understand how their Christian faith and scientific research can complement one another.
What should you say when your science teacher objects to Christianity? This article offers some simple ways to respond.
General advice on how to approach your discipline of study from a Christian perspective to produce authentically Christian scholarship.
What does Christian scholarship look like when considered from the perspectives of Creation, Fall and Redemption?
A consideration of the relationship of science and certain Biblical issues, including the nature of miracles and the Exodus.
How should Christian academics conduct their lives and research within the life of the university?