Where Can We Find Lasting Happiness?
Why is happiness so hard to find? Perhaps we've been looking in the wrong place.
Related resources for Paul at Athens
Why is happiness so hard to find? Perhaps we've been looking in the wrong place.
This book urgently seeks a recovery of Christian persuasion, 'a way of apologetics that is as profound as the good news we announce'.
When your friends bombard you with questions, how can you cope? Here's one suggestion to take the pressure off.
A helpful talk exploring practical ways to share Christ in university contexts.
A challenging call, based on the Acts of the Apostles, to think about how persuasive our evangelism is.
Reality TV now seems to be everywhere. What does it tell us about what is real and what is true? And what does it say about God?
A popular story gives a salutary warning of the need to check our sources carefully and be careful in the arguments we use.
7 suggestions for what makes good apologetics
'How to do apologetics' - a lesson from St Paul.