J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter
The Harry Potter publishing phenomenon has divided many Christians, unsure how they should respond. Jerram Barrs considers some of the…
Jerram Barrs is Professor of Christian Studies and Contemporary Culture at Covenant Theological Seminary, St Louis, Missouri.
The Harry Potter publishing phenomenon has divided many Christians, unsure how they should respond. Jerram Barrs considers some of the…
Why the growing popularity of Jane Austen? Is it accidental, a typical postmodern temporary fad, or is there some deeper reason for the…
In one poll, J.R.R. Tolkien's book The Lord of the Rings was voted the British public's best loved book. Jerram Barrs delves into Tolkien's…
In this series of two talks, Jerram Barrs considers how we can reach out to those living in a non-Christian culture. © Jerram Barrs
William Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language - yet we know little about his personal life. Jerram Barrs…
What is the Christian’s mission in the world? What should be our driving motivation both as individual believers and as Christians together?
How are we to think about our lives? The most basic thing we can say about our human life is that God created us to be like Himself –…
Jerram Barrs asks how Christians can connect with non-Christians. He urges all Christians to take people and their questions seriously.
Jerram Barrs considers the place of the mind and the heart in the Christian faith, and argues that Christians have often failed to love God…