A Universe From Someone – Against Lawrence Krauss
A Universe From Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing (Free Press, 2012), by cosmologist Lawrence M. Krauss, has been lauded…
Peter S. Williams (MA, MPhil) is Assistant Professor in Communication and Worldviews at Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication, NLA University College, Norway. He is author of many articles and books, including A Faithful Guide to Philosophy (Wipf and Stock, 2019), Getting at Jesus: A Comprehensive Critique of Neo-Atheist Nonsense about the Jesus of History (Wipf and Stock, 2019) and C.S.Lewis vs the New Atheists (Paternoster, 2013). His website is www.peterswilliams.com.
A Universe From Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing (Free Press, 2012), by cosmologist Lawrence M. Krauss, has been lauded…
Peter S. Williams offers his thoughts on philosopher A.C. Grayling's The Good Book: A Secular Bible. Note that Grayling lays his book out…
This extended review provides some excellent responses to arguments that Sagan used and which keep cropping up today.
Peter S. Williams responds to Denis Alexander on the issue of the Christian and biblical understanding of evolution and intelligent design.
Review of Amazing Grace in the light of whether religion is a force for good or for bad.
I woke up this morning to a radio news item about the continuing scandal of child abuse carried out by some Catholic priests during the…
A.C. Grayling discusses the arguments in his book The God Argument with Peter S. Williams on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio…
In this article, Peter S. Williams defends one of the key statements of Intelligent Design theory, namely that specified complexity…
Zoologist Dr. Richard Dawkins (1941-) is ‘materialistic, reductionist and overtly anti-religious.’[1] Charles Simonyi, head of…