Is science the only way to know anything about anything?
Scientism says that science is the source of all our knowledge. Does this make sense or are there other sources for what we can know?
Peter S. Williams (MA, MPhil) is Assistant Professor in Communication and Worldviews at Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication, NLA University College, Norway. He is author of many articles and books, including A Faithful Guide to Philosophy (Wipf and Stock, 2019), Getting at Jesus: A Comprehensive Critique of Neo-Atheist Nonsense about the Jesus of History (Wipf and Stock, 2019) and C.S.Lewis vs the New Atheists (Paternoster, 2013). His website is
Scientism says that science is the source of all our knowledge. Does this make sense or are there other sources for what we can know?
William Lane Craig and Peter S.Williams debate with Arif Ahmed and Andrew Copson at the Cambridge Union Society.
Peter S. Williams chairs a discussion with William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Peter J. Williams and Gary R. Habermas.