The Family Man
A review of some of the ethics in The Family Man TV drama.
Related resources for Ben Hur - revenge or redemption?
A review of some of the ethics in The Family Man TV drama.
A review of the Manic Street Preachers' Lifeblood album.
William Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language - yet we know little about his personal life. Jerram Barrs…
Kingdom of Heaven offers a very twenty-first century take on twelfth century history. In a war-torn world troubled by religious conflict,…
In one poll, J.R.R. Tolkien's book The Lord of the Rings was voted the British public's best loved book. Jerram Barrs delves into Tolkien's…
A review of Robbie Williams' biography examines his search for value and reassurance.
This paper takes a careful look at critical race theory, and argues that only the Bible offers real hope for the future of race relations.
Climate change is one of the key issues of our time. But what should we make of the fervour of the environmental movement?
Andy Crouch’s award-winning book examines what a Christian posture towards human culture should look like.