Angels, Wise Men and a Baby: Why Doesn’t God Show Himself?
A look at how the events of the first Christmas show God has given us enough evidence for us to be confident that he is there and that he…
Engage with the debate about whether God exists. Is there any way to decide the answer? Do the evidence and the arguments point towards or away from the existence of God?
A look at how the events of the first Christmas show God has given us enough evidence for us to be confident that he is there and that he…
Ian Paul responds to Stephen Fry's comments on what he would say to God.
A look at some of the claims of atheists concerning belief in God and how they (mis)use science.
Professor Antony Flew, 81 years old, is: “a legendary British philosopher and atheist and has been an icon and champion for…
Is there truly a God? How can anyone be sure such a being exists? We believe that the existence of God, and questions such as these…
A central task of apologetics is to create a situation in which it is possible to come to faith. Part of this responsibility involves the…
According to atheists, there is no supernatural Power or Being separate from the universe and responsible for its creation. There is…
William Lane Craig and A.C. Grayling debate the motion “Belief in God Makes Sense in Light of Tsunamis”.
William Lane Craig and Peter S.Williams debate with Arif Ahmed and Andrew Copson at the Cambridge Union Society.
This article is the text of Peter May's opening speech at a debate held at the University of Birmingham on 22 November 2007. The debate was…
A review of the Oxford debate between Richard Dawkins and Alister McGrath.
A response to Bertrand Russell's criticism that God does not provide enough evidence for people to believe in him.
A.C. Grayling discusses the arguments in his book The God Argument with Peter S. Williams on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio…
God Questions is a record of debate arising out of a correspondence between American Atheist Professor Carl Stecher and English Philosopher…
A brief introduction to some of the issues discussed in the Philosophy of Religion and Natural Theology.
Bill Craig and A.C. Grayling debate the problem of suffering in the light of tsunamis, on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio programme.
William Lane Craig delivers his critique of Richard Dawkins' objections to arguments for the existence of God, followed by questions and…
During the 2007 Reasonable Faith Tour, Professor William Lane Craig debated Andrew Pyle at Bristol University on the topic "Does the…
Dr Craig presents seven arguments for the existence of God.
William Lane Craig debates the existence of God with Professor of Philosophy Peter Millican.
Christians Richard Morgan and Todd Pitner discuss with atheist Gordon Livesey the value of religious experience for belief in God.…
On 22 November 2007, the Birmingham University Debating Society considered the motion: “This House Believes God is a Delusion”.…
Some responses to the question 'Does God exist?'
William Lane Craig debates the existence of God with Peter Atkins.
Bill Craig addresses the central arguments of Richard Dawkins' 'The God Delusion'.
This documentary contains never-before-seen interviews with attendees and participants from the 2011 Reasonable Faith Tour.
'God: new evidence' is a series of six videos exploring how cosmic fine-tuning points towards the reality of a creator God. Various…
This is a ‘wham-bam, take it or leave it’ book. Prof. Grayling issues terse, often idiosyncratic, definitions without…
William Lane Craig and Richard Dawkins have finally ended up in a debate on the topic 'Does the Universe Have a Purpose?' at a conference…
This was the first event of The UK Reasonable Faith Tour 2011 and took place at Westminster Central Hall, London on 17 October 2011 in…
William Lane Craig debates whether God is a delusion with Professor Mike Begon.
12 interviews with leading Christian apologists on communicating the truth and relevance of the Christian gospel.
A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London, begins his self-described ‘polemic’ against…