No Conflict
In this article, Melvin Tinker explains why he thinks that evangelicals can differ over their approach to understanding creation from…
Engage with the most important questions of life
In this article, Melvin Tinker explains why he thinks that evangelicals can differ over their approach to understanding creation from…
As the situation in Gaza becomes worse by the day, the apologetic challenge this weekend is most likely to centre on the role of religion…
Scientific naturalism claims that only science provides reliable answers. This article examines the claim.
Mike Licona responds to the latest attempt by the hyperskeptical community to advance the thesis that Jesus never existed.
Four individuals consider the issues raised by the ongoing debate concerning Intelligent Design (ID) and advocate their own perspectives on…
A question we often hear is, "Does it really matter what I believe as long as I believe in something?" Or, "As long as your belief helps…
Moral objections to Christianity are some of the deepest and hardest to answer. This talk offers guidance for navigating this tricky area.
Dr Gary R. Habermas considers the claims that Jesus' resurrection can be explained away as various forms of hallucination. After a…
Bart D. Ehrman is a world expert in the textual criticism of the New Testament who has recently written a best-selling book entitled…