Responding to The Goldilocks Enigma
Paul Davies is a brilliant science writer. As an eminent physicist and cosmologist, he knows his subject matter with distinction. Better…
Engage with the most important questions of life
Paul Davies is a brilliant science writer. As an eminent physicist and cosmologist, he knows his subject matter with distinction. Better…
A lawyer's examination of the evidence for Christianity.
In a talk entitled 'The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief' given at The Veritas Forum at the California Institute…
With so many different religions and ways of viewing the world, how can Christians claim their way is the right one?
Peter S. Williams responds to Denis Alexander on the issue of the Christian and biblical understanding of evolution and intelligent design.
How can anyone believe the New Testament account of the life of Jesus, seeing that it was written so long after His death? There seems to…
How should we address apparent contradictions in the Bible? This article tackles some specific examples.
Bart D. Ehrman is a world expert in the textual criticism of the New Testament who has recently written a best-selling book entitled…
From the laws of physics themselves and their physical constants to the astrophysical picture of the development of the universe to the…