'On Being' - The Scientism of Peter Atkins
Peter Atkins continues to be one of the more boisterous and outspoken of the Oxford atheists. His promotion of ‘scientism’…
Engage with the most important questions of life
Peter Atkins continues to be one of the more boisterous and outspoken of the Oxford atheists. His promotion of ‘scientism’…
This ancient and fascinating document both intrigues and disturbs its readers. It is so denigrated by some Christians, that they have…
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was a brilliant mathematician, astronomer and physicist. He was appointed to the chair of Mathematics at the…
With so many different religions and ways of viewing the world, how can Christians claim their way is the right one?
Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be…
The common assumption that science contradicts religion can be illustrated either from your own personal experience, if this is relevant,…
Peter S. Williams responds to Denis Alexander on the issue of the Christian and biblical understanding of evolution and intelligent design.
The inspiration of the Bible is an extremely crucial topic in today's world. Many talk about the Bible being inspired. But when asked to…
What about other religions? When the world is moving in such a globalizing way, believing in one truth seems naive at best, and intolerant…