Where did God come from?
Where did God come from? Don’t we have to assume that if there is God, then there must have been something before Him that created Him?
Why is there such a human need to believe in God? What difference does God make to life? Does belief in God make sense of all our experiences? Find out why Christians believe we can not only know God is there but that we can know Him personally rather than just knowing about him.
Where did God come from? Don’t we have to assume that if there is God, then there must have been something before Him that created Him?
An overview of some reasons to believe in God, with links to fuller resources and some recommended books.
A response to the 'Who Made God?' objection to the Cosmological Argument.
The Bible has become a happy hunting ground for many who want to undermine faith in the God of the Bible. After all, there are a lot of…
One of the most commonly misunderstood ideas in the Bible concerns the teaching about the Trinity. Although Christians say that they…
Responding to the question of whether the existence of Hell means that God cannot be a God of love.
This is a book that encourages as it informs, helping its readers as we seek to understand something of God and His ways. Its four parts…
Postmodern liberalism may sound liberating and enticing to its adherents, but it may be no more than a 21st century fairy tale for the…
Why philosopher A.C. Grayling refuses to debate William Lane Craig.