Understanding Depression
What is depression? Is depression sin or sickness? How can we recognize Clinical Depression? What makes some people more vulnerable to…
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What is depression? Is depression sin or sickness? How can we recognize Clinical Depression? What makes some people more vulnerable to…
What is the basic biblical teaching on forgiveness? Is there a difference between an apology and asking forgiveness? What about hard cases…
A newspaper front page is, in essence, a religious object. Of course that isn't what we think we're buying. But it's what we get. Not with…
English literary history is a curious thing. And one especially curious thing about it is that it contains very little of importance which…
An apocryphal story of Greg Koukl's backyard deck serves to illustrate an important lesson about the nature of human identity. I'm having…
Christians have been responsible for both good and evil throughout history - how can we accurately assess Christianity in light of this?
What should motivate us to be good? This book examines four possible answers.
What, if anything, separates human beings from every other species on earth? Are we just naked apes? Or something more?
This talk was given by Ann Brown at Canterbury University Christian Union. © 2012 Ann Brown This resource is provided by the kind…